How to Check WAEC GCE Result 2013 (Nov/Dec)

on Friday, 4 April 2014

GCE Result checker is needed and and you can obtain from waec office or any authorized banks at the rate of N500.

Then fill the WAEC GCE Result-checking form on the WAEC website 
  • Examination Number (Eg. 4666ed)
  • Examination Year (2013)
  • Type of Examination (NOV/DEC WASSCE private)
  • Scratch card Card Serial Number
  • Enter your GCE Result-checker PIN
  • After which click on Submit Button
Go and check your 2013 GCE Result and share it with us if you so desire.

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Ranking: 5

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

Sea Power said...

Upgrading of JAMB /WAEC/ NECO/ GCE Result is 100% real, because I just did mine today but what you need to know is that there are fraudster out there who are to chop your money. But I did my own through Mr. David. who helped me to release my withheld result and upgraded it for me now am very Happy, to tell you that he is real he have a prove for it. If u want him to help you the way he helped me call him on 08128463598


14 May 2021 at 09:54

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